بەڵەكی کۆنترۆڵی مۆتۆری BLDC
Lumsyn Electronic ji bo motorên 3000W PMSM (Dîmanî-Magneta Hemdem) û Motorên BLDC (DC-ya bê firçe) kontrolkerên motorê dizayn û çêdike. Ew di pîşesaziyên cihêreng de tê sepandin, di nav de sarkerên hewayê, klîma, sarinc, fanosên pîşesazî, makîneyên dirûnê, makîneyên pêlandinê, pompeyên avê, pompeyên valahiya, qirçîn, amûrên hêzê, motorên yacht, hwd. , jiyana dirêj, û lêçûna lênêrîna kêm. Li welatên cûrbecûr hewcedariyên karbidestiya enerjiyê bicîh bînin. Pêşkêşkirina çareseriyên xwerû, û karûbarên ODM / OEM . Berhemên me bi du-salî garantiyek hardware û karûbarê nûvekirina nermalava heyatî têne.
Kontrolkerê Motora 500W BLDC ji bo Makîneya Dirûnê
500W 220V 50/60Hz Industrial Sewing Machine Brushless Motor Controller Board Based on 6-step Square Wave, Hall Sensor Detects Motor Position. Using digital speed control system to drive brushless motor, the product can directly drive sewing equipment, with good speed regulation performance, convenient and sensitive, stable performance, safe and reliable. Built-in multiple protection programs.
Kontrolkerê Motora 800W BLDC ji bo Makîneya Dirûnê
800W 220V 50/60Hz Industrial Sewing Machine BLDC Motor Controller Board Based on 6-step Square Wave, Hall Sensor Detects Motor Position. Using digital speed control system to drive brushless motor, the product can directly drive sewing equipment, with good speed regulation performance, convenient and sensitive, stable performance, safe and reliable. Built-in multiple protection programs.

Kontrolkerê motora 3000W BLDC ji bo pompeya binavbûyî
Ultra-Slim design 3000W 220V 50/60Hz BLDC Motor Controller Board . Using digital speed control system to drive brushless motor. High Efficiency and Energy Saving, Lifetime Maintenance Free, Meet the Certification Standards of Many Countries. Built-in multiple protection programs.

بەڵەكی کۆنترۆڵی مۆتۆری BLDC
1400W 24V DC Motor Controller for Yacht. Using digital speed control system to drive brushless motor, the product can directly drive sewing equipment, with good speed regulation performance, convenient and sensitive, stable performance, safe and reliable. Built-in multiple protection programs.